
The Most Prestigious EVA Encapsulants for Photovoltaic Modules.


The Most Prestigious EVA Encapsulants for Photovoltaic Modules.

VISTASOLAR was first introduced in 1982 and was the first commercial grade of EVA for photovoltaic applications with excellent performance and quality.

VISTASOLAR provides many difference grades of EVA encapsulants and EPE with standard cure, fast cure, ultra fast cure with PID resistance.

High Weather Resistance

High durability against temperature, humidity and UV radiation.

High Weather Resistance

Anti-PID Properties

Excellent PID resistance which can withstand PID testing condition of 85"C, 85%RH,1000 VDC for 96 hrs.

Anti-PID Properties

Excellent Light Transmission and Transparency

High transparency without material discoloration.

Excellent Light Transmission and Transparency

High Adhesive Strength

High and long lasting adhesion to glass and backsheet.

High Adhesive Strength

Scientifically Tested and Proven

following IEC 61215, IEC 61730,

IEC TS 62804 and UL 746 standards

Scientifically Tested and Proven

VISTASOLAR EVA encapsulants are designed to improve module durability and suitable for both conventional PV panels and building integrated PV (BIPV) systems.